This year, consider approaching Lent as a team. That doesn’t mean you have to give up—or do—the same things as your spouse, brothers and sisters, or friends, although that’s a possibility. It does mean sharing your Lenten resolution(s) and asking for each other’s prayers and active support. People often find that they’re much more likely to keep their resolutions when they hold themselves accountable to another person. Knowing that someone walks with us, even if it’s not exactly the same path, can be a great comfort and motivator.

If you’re thinking about Lenten resolutions, consider the traditional practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (works of charity). Here are some ideas to get started.


Lent is an excellent time to evaluate our prayer life and, if necessary, make improvements. A few suggestions:

  • Set aside a time for prayer each day and invite your spouse to do the same. It can be the same time or different times depending
    on your schedules. If you’re parents, take turns looking after the kids so that each of you can have quiet time.
  • Watch a video reflection on the day’s scripture readings ( Exchange an insight or two with
    your spouse.
  • Dip into a spiritual classic, for example, by St. Francis de Sales, or the autobiographies of St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Teresa of Avila.


Giving up a favorite food or drink is a tangible reminder of our commitment to draw closer to Christ. Or we can fast from a non-productive behavior or attitude. Some ideas:

  • Participate in your parish’s weekly soup supper, or serve a simple supper in your home once or twice each week.
  • Give up a video game, TV program, or social networking site. Use the time to do some spiritual reading, visit an elderly relative, or help your children learn a new skill.
  • “Fast” from negative comments, put-downs, and sarcastic remarks to and about your spouse, friends, or siblings. Apologize if you slip up.


Consider making a commitment that will last beyond the Lenten season. Here are some suggestions:

  • Take out your household budget and review your charitable contributions. Do you need to increase them or change the
    allocations to the various charitable organizations?
  • Do you volunteer in your parish or community? If so, discuss how you can support each other. If you’re not already a volunteer, prayerfully discern whether you are called to some kind of service.
  • Simplify your life. Clean out a drawer, closet, or other storage area each day during Lent and give unneeded but usable clothes and household items to charitable organizations.


This slightly abridged article was originally posted in full on USCCB’s For Your Marriage website.

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