Lord Jesus, I believe that you have created me for a special mission. From the moment I was conceived in my mother’s womb, you have been preparing my path to Heaven. Lord, show me your will for my life. Help me to trust you, no matter the cost. Help me to believe that I will be happiest in doing your will. Give me the grace to say yes to what you ask of me today, so that I can say yes to my vocation when it becomes clear to me. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Señor Jesus, yo crea que Tú me has creado de forma especial para una misión en mi vida. Desde el momento que yo empecé a formarme en el vientre de mi madre, Tú has preparado el camino para que yo llegue al Cielo. Señor, enséname y muéstrame cuál es tu voluntad para mi vida. Ayúdame a confiar en ti, no importa a qué precio. Ayúdame a creer que seré más feliz al hacer tu voluntad. Dama la gracia de decir Si a lo que me tu me pidas hoy, para poder así decir Si a mi vocación. Hago esta oración en el nombre de Jesucristo nuestro Señor, Amen.
These questions can offer insights and guidance as you consider your calling in life.
- Do I strive to be respectful and chaste in all my relationships?
- Do I relate well with others without overt prejudice, and am I willing to work with people of diverse cultural backgrounds?
- Do I maintain healthy friendships with peers that are marked by enjoyment, mutual respect and care?
- At times do I feel the Holy Spirit’s presence in me, in others, or in my prayer and practice of the sacraments?
- Are any Saints my heroes?
- Am I comfortable in talking about my Catholic faith with others?
- Do I make time for silence, reflective thought and listening?
- Do I encourage others to succeed?
- Do I lead a disciplined and healthy life with regard to my use of time and care for my body?
- Do I enjoy serving in my parish and community?
- Do I believe that the world is in great need of more exemplary spiritual leaders?
- Do I have a healthy sense of humor?
- Have I taken the initiative in a leadership role within an organization?
- Do I possess sensitivity and empathy for others especially including those who are in need?
- Am I aware of the temptations of power, possessions, fame and money?
- Do I accept the mistakes I and others have made as opportunities for corrections and improvements?
- When my peers are expressing negative and hurtful opinions about others, do I resist joining in?
If you have answered yes to the majority of these questions, it would be a good idea to speak to a priest that you know about the possibility of discerning a call to the priesthood. The discernment process will give the Lord a chance to further show you the vocation that He has for you.
Let no soul, even the most miserable, fall prey to doubt; for, as long as one is alive, each one can become a great saint, so great is the power of God’s grace. It remains only for us not to oppose God’s actions.
~St. Faustina