Diocesan Pastoral Center
400 E. Monroe St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Contact Us
Phone: (602) 354-2000
Fax: (602) 354-2427
Welcome to the Bishop’s Office
Bishop John P. Dolan is the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. He provides for the spiritual needs of the priests, deacons, women and men religious and people of the diocese. His office is responsible for overseeing the ministries, activities and programs of the Diocese of Phoenix.
Through the Bishop’s Office, Bishop Dolan shepherds the people of the diocese with the assistance of Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares, Bishop Emeritus Thomas J. Olmsted, and his priests, who lead the parishes and ministries under the bishop’s guidance and leadership. Together they work to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and to help the faithful encounter the living Christ.
Inviting a Bishop to a Liturgy
Use this form to request a liturgy with one of our diocesan bishops – Bishop John Dolan, Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares, or Bishop Emeritus Thomas Olmsted. All requests should be made at least six weeks prior to the liturgy and will be reviewed monthly.
Please understand that we will do our best to accommodate your liturgy and we will contact you when your request has been reviewed.
This form is not to be used for Confirmation/First Communion liturgy requests.
If this liturgy is taking place at a parish, your pastor will be informed of the submission of this request.
Parish Confirmations
Are you the Confirmation Coordinator for your parish? Use the forms below to help with logistics and planning.
All confirmation Masses are scheduled through the Office of the Chancery. For answers to your questions about logistics and planning, contact Nayeli Garcia.
Get Connected
The Diocese of Phoenix shares the Gospel message with the growing digital culture as a means to enrich and nourish, and to provide a path to encounter the living Jesus Christ.