
Mary wants to assist us during this time, as she has so many times to various peoples of the past. This page is dedicated to telling her story, as found in Holy Scripture and down through the ages. She invites us to be part of her story and her life, for she is not only a biblical figure from the past.

Mary is the Virgin of Scripture who accepted God’s invitation to bear the Son of God. She thus became Mother, but not only the Mother of God. At the foot of the Cross, through a mystical exchange with Jesus, she became our spiritual mother in the order of grace.

Mary is also the Woman prophesied in Genesis, revealed in the Gospels of Luke and John, and appearing in glory as Queen in the Book of Revelation.

The Diocese of Phoenix invites Christians and all people of good will to come to know Mary better, to build and deepen a relationship with her, and to be blessed by her protection and guidance. She always guides us to a deeper encounter with her Son, Jesus Christ. Here, some of her story is told.

Fr. John Nahrgang
Vicar for Evangelization and Education
Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix

Miraculous Medal Initiative

Telling the story and promises of the Miraculous Medal to the students at the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools. 

The Diocese of Phoenix is telling the story of Mary through a Miraculous Medal Initiative, beginning with school children. Children will first hear about the childhood of Zoe Labouré and her call to the vocation of religious life. Upon entering religious life, she became Sister Catherine Labouré of the Daughters of Charity in Paris. There, our Blessed Mother appeared to her and gave her the revelation and mission around a new sacramental in the life of the Church: the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, the Miraculous Medal.

Children are also given the gift of a fine Miraculous Medal necklace that they may enter into a deeper relationship with Mary and experience more deeply her love, protection, and guidance.

Mary in Scripture

The Blessed Mother’s role in the history of our Church begins with the Book of Genesis.

Mary is the Woman of Scripture, recognized from the very beginning and appearing in stunning fashion in the Gospels of Luke and John and the Book of Revelation. This section invites readers to delve into the pivotal moments of her life, especially those involving her beloved Son.

Our Lady of Guadalupe appears at Tepeyac Hill (1531)

The Message of Guadalupe impacts eyes, mind, heart and soul.

Juan Diego encountered the Blessed Virgin Mary on a hill in what is now known as Mexico, an event which impacted entire civilizations. Today, more than twenty million pilgrims appear at the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City, more than Rome and the Holy Land combined. Why? Learn about the Message of Guadalupe, as revealed by the words of our Blessed Mother to Juan Diego and her miraculous image.

The Immaculate Conception and France (1830-1871)

A deep Marian mystery connects two countries.

Paris. La Salette. Lourdes. Pontmain. Between 1830 and 1871, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to various people in France, comforting them and guiding them through some of the most tumultuous decades of her history. During this time, her prominence as the Immaculate Conception became firmly established. Meanwhile, interesting events connected to Mary were also unfolding in America…

Our Lady of the Rosary appears at Fatima (1917)

At Fatima, the blessed Virgin Mary proves herself to be a beacon of power and hope for the modern age.

(CNS photo/Rafael Marchante, Reuters)

While the First World War raged, our Blessed Mother appeared to three young children in the hills outside a small town in Portugal. She asked for prayer and penance in reparation for the sins of humanity, and promised help and an end to the war if her requests were met. At first, nobody believed the children. In time, the events of Fatima would impact the world in a way nobody could have anticipated.