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“Crosswalk: A Veteran’s Journey to Healing” will be offered at the Crosier Community, 717 E. Southern Ave, Phoenix, beginning on Saturday, October 9th, from 0930-1200.

Crosswalk is a community of veterans who gather to have conversation about their social, emotional and spiritual experiences related to their military service. Crosswalk was developed by Fr. Robert Rossi, CSC, and was underwritten by the Phoenix Rotary 100 and the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation.

The program is free and will be facilitated by Joel Larson, a U.S. Army veteran and Manager of Chaplain Services at Aurora Behavioral Health.

Crosswalk consists of 12 monthly sessions on Saturdays where they use the 14 Stations of the Cross that model the journey that Jesus made on the way from his trial with Pontius Pilate to his burial. The sessions relate these stations to the journey that veterans make recovering from the psychological and spiritual wounds from their military experience.

Please note: at this time, the program is only open to male veterans, however, the program may be expanded for women veterans in the future.

For more information, please call 623-252-5535, or see the attached flyer.

Joel Larson, MDiv, MAHS, BCC is Aurora Behavioral Health System’s Manager of Chaplain Services. He retired from the Arizona National Guard as the Senior Chaplain Assistant after serving for 20 years, including a deployment to Mosul, Iraq. Joel has worked as a mobile crisis therapist for EMPACT- SPC and has also been a facilitator for the Building Spiritual Strength offered by the Casa Veterans Ministry. Joel is also a member of the BeConnected Faith Network Advisory Committee for the Arizona Coalition for Military Families.

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