Abbie Fink continues to do everything as she normally would. She stands when she needs to stand, sings when she needs to sing and prays when she needs to pray.

Now, more than ever, Susan Lucero recites the rosary.

But instead of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow congregants — Fink in her Paradise Valley synagogue, Lucero in her Catholic parish in Glendale — the women, and millions of others, now worship via television, YouTube, Facebook or Zoom.

For people of all faiths, prayer has taken on a new solitude.

Churches, mosques and synagogues have closed their doors across Arizona, moving services online and asking followers to worship from home. Congregants now sing without a chorus. And devout Catholics queue up to confess their sins to priests on parish lawns — from six feet away, of course.

Read the story at AZ Central.