Some warning signs:
- Sudden change in behavior, dress, or appearance
- Sudden possession of expensive clothing
Uncharacteristically promiscuous behavior or references to sexual situations - Use of terminology like “the game” “the life” “daddy” “manager” “date/trick”
- Loss of or lack of school ID or other state issued ID such as a driver’s license
- Dating an older guy (he might give you the creeps)
- They have a weird tattoo
- You never know when they are telling the truth (Trust AZ, 2017)
Yes, these warning signs could mean several things. None of them are good. You don’t have to know that they are a victim of trafficking to report, you just have to know something does not feel right.
Common Stereotypes that can stop us from helping someone who needs us:
- “She is just promiscuous”
- “That only happens in foreign countries”
- “That only happens on the border or is part of the immigration problem”
- “It was consensual”
- “Prostitution/Pornography is a victimless crime”
- “She did it to herself, no one is controlling her”
- “That only happens in bad parts of town”
- “It only happens to girls not boys” (Trust AZ, 2017)