What else can I do?
This is very much a spiritual battle.
“There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is,
that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”
– Sr. Lucy of Fatima“…and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18
Bishop Olmsted noted in his homily for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time (August 27, 2017) [https://youtu.be/Duwn4HxsG_E] that the spirit of this verse is not meant to be one of us trembling in our rooms as we are assaulted from outside. Instead, we are to be on the offensive and, as we go out an engage the world, that gates fly open. Let us go in confidence.
Support Victims
Through Catholic Charities DIGNITY Diversion Program https://www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/phoenix/sex-trafficking
‘Turn the light on’ with Catholic Relief Services https://www.crs.org/get-involved/learn/slavery-and-human-trafficking
Avoid Explicit Entertainment, Dress, and Advertising.
Change the Culture
Restore the dignity of all.
Fight against pornography!
Learn More
Learn about the legal battle “that several American mothers are waging on behalf of their middle-school daughters, victims of sex-trafficking on Backpage.com” (I am Jane Doe, 2017)
Learn where the products you use come from.
Trafficking in the maritime world:
The Office of Arizona Attorney General offers educational programs free of charge regarding cyber safety, anti-bullying, human trafficking, and young consumers. For more information visit
Additional Resources
What You Need to Know Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation A Training Tool For Parents Of Teens from ASU School of Social Work: