Former Jesuit priest Donald J. McGuire
July 2008: The Diocese of Phoenix has learned that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has received several credible allegations of sexual misconduct with minors against Fr. Loren Riebe, who is currently incardinated in the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Fr. Riebe, an excardinated priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct with minors in California during the early 1970s. Fr. Riebe is presently under canonical investigation by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and Archdiocesan officials have also reported the allegations to civil authorities in California. Upon learning that Fr. Riebe frequently visited the Diocese of Phoenix, the Archdiocesan Review Board also recommended that the Diocese of Phoenix be contacted regarding these allegations.
The Diocese of Phoenix has a record of Fr. Riebe receiving faculties to administer sacraments in the Diocese in July of 1996 when he was staying at St. Maria Goretti Parish, Scottsdale. His faculties expired in October of 1997 when he left the Diocese. Since 1997, he has returned to Arizona to operate a foundation known as Mission Teaching Foundation, and he has presented mission appeals at various parishes including St. Maria Goretti, Scottsdale; St. Thomas the Apostle, Phoenix; St. Gabriel, Cave Creek; St. Timothy, Mesa; St. Helen, Glendale; and Holy Cross, Mesa.
To date, the Diocese of Phoenix has not received any complaints or reports of sexual misconduct or other improprieties committed by Fr. Riebe within the state of Arizona. Nonetheless, the Diocese urges anyone who may know of any sexual misconduct or other improprieties by Fr. Riebe or who may have any other such information about him to contact the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office at (602) 506-3411.
As always, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and the Diocese of Phoenix encourage anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct or abuse by a member of the clergy or by any worker of the Church to make a report to local law enforcement and to contact Jean Sokol at the Office of Child and Youth Protection at (602) 354-2396.