Video Transcript

My Brothers and Sisters: Christ is Risen! He is truly risen!

As we approach the Third Sunday of Easter, I know how disconcerting, even disorienting, the past several weeks have been and how painful for us not to be together to celebrate the Eucharist. It feels like an eternity since we were gathered round the Altar of the Lord. But be assured that my brother priests and I continue to offer Mass for you each day. You and your families are constantly in our prayers. At the same time, I cannot help but call to mind and to be inspired by the way the First Christians dealt with the absence of Jesus during the first months after His death and Resurrection.

The Acts of the Apostles tell us (4:32), “The community of believers was of one heart and mind.” Not only did they survive a great crisis of faith, they even grew in unity, hope and charity. What united them was a new and unshakeable faith in the Risen Lord. His gift of the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins, the Sacrament of Baptism – these were like sacred links binding them to Jesus and one another. The Word of God and the Eucharist brought about a strong communion of charity and hope. Pagans said of them, “See these Christians, how they love one another!”

I am aware that loving one another is not made easier by sheltering in place and social distancing. These measures, even though needed, are causing a keen sense of isolation, as well as frustration and fear – not unlike what the Apostles first experienced as they hunkered down behind locked doors following Jesus’ crucifixion. They were alone and afraid, frozen in fear. But, precisely then, when they were most tempted to despair, the Risen Lord came and stood in their midst; and showing them the wounds in His hands and side, He said, “Peace be with you. It is I. Be not afraid,” The Risen Christ is saying the same to you and me now.

The scars on His Body show that He is no stranger to our fears and suffering. He knows our need for hope!  He also knows that, with the fire of the Holy Spirit alive in our souls, our faith will become stronger as we face together this pandemic. Our confidence in Him will grow. So, be sure to use this time to deepen your trust in Jesus, to offer encouraging words to one another, and like the Christians of the First Century to be “of one heart and mind.”

We continue to monitor and take seriously the guidance and directives of Governor Ducey, our State’s health officials, and the Federal Government. As soon as it is deemed safe to do so, we intend to begin anew the public celebration of Holy Mass.

As we await that day with deep longing, do not forget to stay connected with your parish through social media and Flocknote, and please continue to check in with your pastor and your fellow churchgoers to see how they are doing. I am deeply grateful to those who can continue supporting the Church with financial assistance. Please share what you can by participating in the offertory, either online at, or by mailing in your weekly envelope.

Join me in praying for our first responders, healthcare professionals, elected leaders, and all those who are working tirelessly to serve us during this crisis. Do not forget who Jesus called us to be. Here and now, in the Spring of 2020, He says to us: You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth!

Remember: Be Healthy – Be Smart – Be Holy.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Pray for Us.

Jesus, We Trust in You.

May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.