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Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)

Spiritus et Sponsa (JPII on the 40th Anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium)

Liturgiam Authenticam (Use of Vernacular)

Summorum Pontificum (Motu Proprio Letter on the Use of the Roman Liturgy Prior to the Reform of 1970)

Letter on the Occasion of the Publication of Summorum Pontificum 

Address of JP II to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Northwestern US on Liturgy (1998)

Address of JPII to the Bishops of France on the Liturgy (1997)

Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy (2001 – Principles and Guidelines from the Cong. for Divine Worship)

Co-Workers in the Vineyard: A Resource Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry (USCCB 2005)

Mediator Dei (Encyclical on the Sacred Liturgy, Pope Piux XII, 1947)

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Part Two)

Catechism of the Catholic Church (Part Two)

Orientalium Ecclesiarum (Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches, 1964)

Documents on the Eucharist and the Mass 

General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Redemptionis Sacramentum (On Certain Matters to be Observed or Avoided Regarding the Most Holy Eucharist)

Mane Nobiscum Domine (JP II Letter for the Year of the Eucharist)

Sacramentum Caritatis (The Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church’s Life and Mission)

Documents on Art and Music

Musicam Sacram (Vatican II, Instruction on Music in the Liturgy, 1967)

Musicae Sacrae (Encyclical of Pope Pius XII on Music, 1955)

Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (USCCB 2007)

Tra Le Sollecitduini (JPII Chirograph on Sacred Music, 2003)

Letter of JP II to Artists (1999)

Divini Cultus (1928, Pope Pius XI)

Scripture Resources 

Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, 1965)


Seasonal Resources – Office of Worship Publications

Liturgical Celebration Date Publication
Advent and Christmas 11/29/20 O Come Divine Messiah (flipbook)  English Edition   Spanish Edition
Candlemas 2/2/2021 Candlemas Resource for Parishioners  English
St. Blaise 2/3/2021 St. Blaise Resource for Parishioners  English
Ash Wednesday 2/17/2021 Burying the Alleluia – Activity Pages for Families  English
Ash Wednesday 2/17/2021 2021 Ash Wednesday Resource for Parishioners  English
St. Joseph 3/19/2021 Year of St. Joseph Prayer Cards   English   Spanish
St. Joseph 3/19/2021 Year of St. Joseph – Short Resource for Parishioners  English  Spanish
Holy Week 3/19/2021 What Wondrous Love – Holy Week Flipbook for Families English  Spanish

Publications from Major Events and Liturgies

Priest Events Date Resource
Vespers for the Installation of a Bishop 8/1/2022 Worship Aid
Installation of a Bishop 8/2/2022 Worship Aid
Consecration of a Virgin – Miara Cash 8/26/2023 Worship Aid
Consecration of a Virgin – Claire Halbur and Kimberly Zeeman 8/22/2020 Worship Aid
Consecration of a Hermit – Fr. Eugene Mary of the Trinity 11/20/2021 Worship Aid
Priest Ordination – Marvin Soto, Anthony Dang, Harold Escarcega, Marvin Soto 6/4/2022 Worship Aid
Funeral Mass – Bishop Thomas O’Brien 8/31/2018 Worship Aid
Corpus Christi Procession Booklet 6/3/2021 Worship Aid
50th Anniversary Mass 12/2/2019 Worship Aid