News, statements and information from the Diocese of Phoenix.

Arizona Catholic Conference Bishops’ Statement Opposing the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Vote no on Proposition 207. Consistent with our long-standing position, the Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference remain opposed to the current initiative (Proposition 207) to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Arizona. While we are concerned for several reasons, our opposition is primarily rooted in the belief that making recreational marijuana legal is harmful to both children and families in Arizona.

Emerging from the pandemic stronger in our faith! – A message from Bishop Olmsted

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Before his Ascension into Heaven, Jesus gathered His Apostles at the Sea of Galilee and gave them the Great Commission. He said, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them [...]

Popular radio program ‘The Catholic Conversation’ moves to all-podcast format Oct. 3

Popular radio program ‘The Catholic Conversation’ moves to all-podcast format Oct. 3 By Joyce Coronel The Catholic Sun One was raised Catholic and spent time in the seminary while the other is a convert to the faith. Steve and Becky Greene, known to their radio fans as “The Cradle and the Convert” through their popular [...]

Pray for racial justice and celebrate the Feast of St. Peter Claver

Pray for racial justice and celebrate the Feast of St. Peter Claver In the wake of much racial unrest and in honor of the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s March on Washingon, the chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism has requested a national day of prayer and fasting. Join the Day [...]

Being Healthy, Smart and Holy in the New School Year – A Message from Bishop Olmsted (August 21, 2020)

  Video Transcript Brothers and Sisters in Christ, My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all our Catholic school families, and to our faculty and staff for your patient endurance during this unparalleled time in history. I am deeply concerned about the dramatic impact this pandemic has had on you all. Our Catholic schools [...]

Bishop Olmsted Announces Establishment of ‘Racial Healing and Reconciliation Commission’ in the Diocese of Phoenix

Consistent with his commitment to work to oppose racial injustice and promote understanding, in early June Bishop Olmsted established The Racial Healing and Reconciliation Commission.

Diocese of Phoenix Announces Online and In-Person Classroom Start Dates for Catholic Schools

Catholic schools will begin this new school year with online learning starting between August 10 and August 17. In-person classroom instruction is projected to begin on September 8, depending upon information provided from the new state public health benchmarks for reopening schools and other public health data.

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