11: From Nominalism to Nietzsche (and Marx!), Part 2

Last week (Blog #10), we interrupted our “regularly scheduled” blog topics to trace the roots of our cultural conflict over marriage, sex, and gender. We did a quick tour through Nominalism – which emphasized God’s BIG Will – as well as Descartes’ split between language and reality and his jettisoning of final cause (i.e., what [...]

10: From Nominalism to Nietzsche – How We Got Into the Mess We’re In Today

Have you ever been on your way somewhere and you became delightfully distracted by another reality, so much so that you had to forsake the path you were on and investigate this new reality? Well, something similar happened with this blog. For the past couple weeks, I’ve been happily pursuing in this blog a very [...]

5: What is Love?

Early in my speaking career I gave a two-day workshop for the fledgling (but now robust!) organization, Family Honor. Halfway through the second day, one of the participants pointedly asked, "You've covered a lot of material, but why haven't you said anything about love?" Interiorly, I sputtered in my tracks. Exteriorly, I tried to refrain [...]

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