Video Transcript

Alleluia, Christ has risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

My brothers and sisters in Christ: Today we rejoice in the victory of the Risen Lord. He has conquered sin and death; He has given us new life! On Easter morning, nearly 2,000 years ago, the first disciples of Jesus could be found sequestered in their homes, hiding behind closed doors. They were afraid for their lives and devastated by the death of their Teacher and Lord.  For them, it seemed that all hope was lost. They were questioning all they had heard and seen during their three years with Jesus, even though Christ had just risen from the dead.

The Gospel tells us that Mary Magdalene was the first to arrive at the tomb. She saw that it was empty; Jesus’ body was nowhere to be found.  The Gospel account describes Mary Magdalene as RUNNING to tell Peter, and then Peter and another disciple RUNNING to the tomb; but they too did not find Jesus, only the burial cloths. The Gospel of John tells us, “they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.”

Today, you and I find ourselves, 2000 years later, feeling somewhat like Peter and Mary Magdalene!  We want to run to the Church and see Jesus.  We want to run to our friends and family and tell them: The Church is OPEN!  And, of course, Jesus is Risen! The stone has been rolled away!

Our Eastern Catholic brothers and sisters have a wonderful way of greeting each other. They say, “Christ is risen!” And the other responds, “He is truly risen!” Today, I invite you to join in this joyful greeting. For it is indeed Good News! Christ is no longer in the tomb – He has conquered death. He has ascended into heaven, taking His seat at the right hand of the Father, where He continues to intercede on our behalf. At the same time, He is living among us through His Mystical Body, the Church, and through the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist!  While we rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ, we still long for the day when we can gather again for Mass and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion. Still, let us never doubt His words (Mt 18:20), “Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them.

We can be confident, then, of finding Him in our homes when we gather in His Name, in particular when we gather for prayer and for a meal together. Married couples, too, who are united in the sacramental bond of matrimony, can count on His closeness to them and their children as they live out their mission in Christ.  We may not recognize Him right away – that’s ok – the disciples couldn’t recognize him either, and they had spent three years traveling in His company. But whether we recognize Him or not, He is with us. That is what His Name Emmanuel means.

The last words that the Risen Christ said to His disciples were these (Mt 28:20), “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Jesus the Lord is with us! But we must open our hearts and minds to Him, be attentive to His voice, and look for His glorious presence.  Therefore, I urge you, this Easter week 2020, to open the Scriptures with the people in your home. Remember His promise, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened for you.” Expect to discover Jesus present in your home!

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to see His face in each member of your home.  And if you are alone this Easter week, remember the second sentence of the Catechism: “At every time and in every place, God draws close to each human person.” You are never totally alone.  Seek the Lord and He shall be found. Call to Him and He shall draw near. Do not be surprised to discover that, no matter how much you seek the Lord, it is nothing compared to how much He is seeking you.

Recall, too, that Jesus created us to be His family, brothers and sisters in His Kingdom. He gives us the grace to be His friends and friends or one another. Do not hesitate, then, to pick up the phone and call a neighbor, or even someone you find it difficult to love. In giving you the gift of faith, Jesus has bestowed on you a treasure. Do not hide it under a rock. Share with others the joy of faith in the Risen Christ.

God willing, we like the first disciples will soon be RUNNING to the Church again, running to worship God in the Eucharist and to spend time in adoration of Jesus.  For now, let us look for the Living Jesus Christ in our homes; invite Him into our family prayer. May we find Him in obeying His command: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

As the hymn goes, “Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!”  Brothers and sisters, let us resolve each morning to be joyful witnesses of the Risen Lord. Seek to have pure joy when involved in difficulties and steadfast peace when facing hardship for the sake of Christ.  Expect Jesus to say to you: “Peace be with you! Be not afraid!”

Remember: Be Healthy – Be Smart – Be Holy.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Pray for Us.

Jesus, We Trust in You.

May Almighty God bless you the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.