- Membership in parish one year (at pastor’s discretion but encouraged from point of view of fidelity to the community one wishes to serve.)
- Men or women who are 16 years of age or older, acknowledged by peers and pastor to be an active Catholic in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church.
- Sacramental reception: Must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church.
- Names to be submitted to the Office of Worship the list will be acknowledged by the Office of Worship and returned to the parish.
- All the faithful, especially those who will serve as extra ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, should be properly catechized on the following:
- The ecclesial nature of the Eucharist as the common possession of the whole Church;
- The Eucharist as the memorial of Christ’s sacrifice, his death and resurrection, and as the sacred Banquet:
- The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic elements, whole and entire, in each element of bread and wine (the doctrine of concomitance);
- The kinds of reverence due at all times to the sacrament, whether within the Eucharistic liturgy or outside the celebration;
- The role that ordinary and, if necessary, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are assigned in the Eucharistic assembly.”
- “Hands-on” training, including the importance of fulfilling commitment as scheduled.
- Recommended: Six hours of on-going formation, yearly.
- Call to Protect – Safe Environment – training every two years
Published by the Office of Worship with the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, April 2006.