1. Membership in parish one year (at pastor’s discretion but encouraged from point of view of fidelity to the community one wishes to serve.)
  2. Men or women who are 16 years of age or older, acknowledged by peers and pastor to be an active Catholic in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church.
  3. Sacramental reception: Must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church.
  4. Names to be submitted to the Office of Worship the list will be acknowledged by the Office of Worship and returned to the parish.
  5. All the faithful, especially those who will serve as extra ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, should be properly catechized on the following:
    • The ecclesial nature of the Eucharist as the common possession of the whole Church;
    • The Eucharist as the memorial of Christ’s sacrifice, his death and resurrection, and as the sacred Banquet:
    • The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic elements, whole and entire, in each element of bread and wine (the doctrine of concomitance);
    • The kinds of reverence due at all times to the sacrament, whether within the Eucharistic liturgy or outside the celebration;
    • The role that ordinary and, if necessary, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are assigned in the Eucharistic assembly.”
  1. “Hands-on” training, including the importance of fulfilling commitment as scheduled.
  2. Recommended: Six hours of on-going formation, yearly.
  3. Call to Protect – Safe Environment – training every two years

Published by the Office of Worship with the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, April 2006.