A Phoenix bishop’s plea to voters and politicians: no votes for abortion

Catholics should be consistent in public life and need to make protecting innocent life a serious political priority, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix has said in the latest edition of his booklet on the duties of Catholic voters and politicians.

Guía de la ACC para los Votantes rumbo a las elecciones primarias 2016, disponible ya en línea

Con el objetivo de educar mejor a los votantes, la Conferencia Católica de Arizona (ACC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha publicado su Guía para los Votantes 2016 correspondiente a las próximas elecciones primarias.

Statement from Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares on Police Officer Shootings in Dallas

We are stunned and heartbroken over the tragically violent events that occurred in Dallas Thursday night, and we implore the Arizona community to join us in praying for those law enforcement officers whose lives were lost, for the police officers and civilians who were injured, and for the two men killed earlier in the week in officer-related shootings in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in a suburb of Minneapolis-St. Paul.

Bishop to ordain four to priesthood June 11, three to transitional diaconate May 29

For four men of the Diocese of Phoenix, June 11 will mark a day of both ending and new beginnings. That’s because their years of seminary study and formation are over. They’ll enter St. Thomas Aquinas Parish that day as transitional deacons and leave as ordained priests after Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted imposes hands on them.

Cuatro hombres serán ordenados al sacerdocio el 11 de junio, tres al diaconado transitorio el 29 de mayo

Para cuatro hombres de la Diócesis de Phoenix, el 11 de junio marcará un día de finales y nuevos comienzos. Esto es debido a que sus años de estudio y formación en el seminario han concluido. Entrarán en la Parroquia Santo Tomás de Aquino ese día como diáconos transitorios y saldrán como sacerdotes ordenados después de que el Obispo Thomas J. Olmsted imponga las manos sobre ellos.

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