Bishop Olmsted’s 2015 Christmas Message
Bishop Olmsted extends his annual holiday greeting to you and yours! Be sure to tune in to KEZ 99.9 FM in the days leading up to Christmas!
Bishop Olmsted extends his annual holiday greeting to you and yours! Be sure to tune in to KEZ 99.9 FM in the days leading up to Christmas!
Ante las trágicas perdidas de vida inocente en manos de terroristas en Paris, los Obispos de la Conferencia Católica de Arizona entienden la creciente vacilación por parte de nuestro gobierno y los ciudadanos americanos al recibir refugiados sirios en los EE.UU.
In the wake of the tragic loss of innocent life taken by terrorist actions in Paris, the Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference (ACC) understand the increasing hesitation on the part of our government and American citizens to receive Syrian refugees into the United States.
Watch the trailer video for "Into the Breach," Bishop Olmsted's Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men, his Spiritual Sons in the Diocese of Phoenix.
The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, is pleased to announce the decision to establish a new Catholic high school in the far west Valley. The new school will be named Saint John Paul II Catholic High School and will be located on property currently owned by the Diocese of Phoenix, located near Thomas and Litchfield Roads, adjacent to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Avondale.
The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, is pleased to announce the decision to establish a new Catholic high school in the far west Valley. The new school will be named Saint John Paul II Catholic High School and will be located on property currently owned by the Diocese of Phoenix, located near Thomas and Litchfield Roads, adjacent to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Avondale.
El reverendísimo Thomas J. Olmsted, Obispo de la Diócesis Católica Romana de Phoenix se enorgullece en anunciar su decisión de establecer una nueva escuela secundaria católica en el extremo oeste del valle. La nueva escuela se llamara San Juan Pablo II y estará localizada en la propiedad de la Diócesis de Phoenix ubicada cerca de la avenida Thomas y Litchfield Roads, a un lado de la parroquia Santo Tomas de Aquinas en Avondale.
Listen to Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted's annual Christmas message to the people of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. People in the Phoenix area will hear this message on KEZ 99.9 FM in the days leading up to Christmas.
New Collaboration between ASU and the University of Mary Following is the text of the remarks made by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted during the March 1, 2012, news conference announcing the new partnership between the University of Mary and Arizona State University in Tempe: Good morning. It is an honor and a joy to [...]