Diocese of Phoenix’s commemoration of its 50th year culminates with Holy Mass for thousands

Thousands of faithful, religious and clergy from throughout Arizona and beyond streamed into Comerica Theatre in downtown Phoenix Dec. 2 to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Phoenix.

Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Statement on Brush & Nib Decision

We are grateful that the importance of religious liberty was recognized today by the Arizona Supreme Court in the case of Brush & Nib Studio v. City of Phoenix. The case involves two Christian artists who only want to create art that is consistent with their artistic and religious beliefs.  Today’s ruling striking down a Phoenix [...]

Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Statement on Tuition Relief for Undocumented Students at Public Universities

The Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference (ACC) applaud today’s action by the Board of Regents that will provide tuition relief for more Arizona high school graduates who are undocumented immigrants and are seeking to enroll in our public universities.

Bishop Olmsted Expresses Sorrow Over Border Tragedy

"I am heartbroken after seeing the photo of the father and his baby daughter who drowned crossing the Rio Grande. I join Pope Francis in expressing my deep sorrow. I unite with my brother bishops, Cardinal DiNardo and Bishop Vásquez, in calling upon the federal government not to turn a deaf ear to the cries of the families suffering in search of asylum in the United States."

Bishop Olmsted’s Address to the 2019 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

  Bishop Olmsted’s Address to the 2019 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Following are Bishop Olmsted’s prepared remarks from the 2019 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. April 23, 2019   “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!” This traditional greeting of Eastern Christians seems especially fitting on this third day of Easter 2019. For the [...]

In new interview, Bishop Olmsted talks about sex abuse in the Catholic Church

In a recent interview, the Most Rev. Thomas Olmsted, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix and leader of 1.2 million Catholics, opens up about the state of the Catholic Church and the positive work that’s being done in the community locally, as the Phoenix Diocese is one of the fastest growing dioceses in the United States.

Statement from Bishop Olmsted on Vatican Summit

“As the bishops, religious and others from across the worldwide Church gather in Rome with Pope Francis for the Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church, I ask you to join me in prayer that the voices of survivors will be heard, that Church leadership will be filled with humility and contrition, and systems to protect children and vulnerable adults will be strengthened."

Arizona Catholic Conference Bishops Statement Regarding Asylum Seekers at the U.S. Border

The Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference wish to express their solidarity with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops statement dated November 14, 2018 regarding protection for the children and families from Central America arriving at the U.S./ Mexico border.

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