Video Transcript

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On the Road to Emmaus, following the Crucifixion and the discovery of the empty tomb, two of Jesus’ disciples encounter a traveler they don’t recognize. As they walk along, they share with him all that they had experienced in the previous days – all their anxieties, fears and shattered hopes. He listens to them, and in return, He breaks open the Scriptures for them. They are so taken with this traveler that they urge him to stay and share a meal together. And so, He sits down, takes bread, blesses it and gives it to them. And then, finally, they recognize him as the Risen Christ.

This encounter of the way to Emmaus reminds us that Jesus meets us at unexpected times and places, even when we are doubtful. At the present time, you and I are like the two disciples. This unusual journey started many weeks ago. And Jesus has been with us every step of the way. I hope that many of us have experienced His Presence, discovering a renewed sense of family, unexpected moments of courage and humble gratitude for these new encounters with the Living Jesus Christ. For He is present throughout this journey, not just at the end.

We know where we want to go on this journey: back to the public celebration of Mass and the other Sacraments of the Church. We miss our family, our friends and our parish communities. We hunger for Jesus in the Eucharist.

In this regard, I want you to know that we are making preparations for when we can be together again. For the safety of everyone, we continue to monitor the directives of the Governor’s Office, our State health officials, and the Federal Government. In the not too distant future, we pray, we will be able to implement a three-phase plan to restore parish life. We are calling our gradual restoration plan: Rising with Christ.

Our progress will be gradual, not perfect. Some challenges and frustrations will likely happen.  Patience will be needed. Attendance will be limited, and all must practice social distancing and self-protection and sanitation. I am working with our parish priests and a team of advisors to finalize and implement the plan, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming days and weeks.

Until then, please remember: Be Healthy – Be Smart – Be Holy.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Pray for Us.

Jesus, We Trust in You.

May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.