Video Transcript

My brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Christ is risen from the dead! By death He trampled Death; and to those in the tombs He granted life. This prayer of Byzantine Catholics expresses well the reason for our hope. We are able to cope with this pandemic because of the victory of our Risen Lord.

Late last week, I began working with our pastors on a plan to restore parish life, which we are calling: RISING WITH CHRIST! I encouraged pastors to discuss with their parish staff and other leaders how they could invite parishioners to receive Holy Communion following the live stream of Mass.

Thankfully, many pastors, with the help of their staff and volunteers, found a way to make the preparations needed and to begin inviting parishioners to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. The grateful response of the faithful was deeply moving. Some parishes had lines around the church! Others lined up in their parking lot! Wherever we were able to begin, there were many tears of joy and praise.

Even though not every parish was able to initiate our plan, some will start this coming Sunday and others will follow thereafter. Communion will again be distributed after the live stream of Mass; and special care will be taken to accentuate the wondrous mystery of the Eucharist and the real presence of our Lord.

I am aware that some parishes and missions face difficult obstacles that must be overcome before inviting parishioners to receive Communion. Every community is different, and patience is needed on the part of all. It will take time to learn and improve. This is by no means a small task, and it requires both reverence for our Lord and concern for the physical safety of everyone — volunteers, staff and clergy. So, please pray for your pastor and ask him how you can help. As we take steps to restore parish life, remember our progress will be gradual, not perfect. Some challenges and frustrations will likely happen. Patience will be needed, and we must practice social distancing, self-protection and frequent hand washing.

As you receive Holy Communion in a setting that may not allow the usual practice of returning to your pew for personal prayer, do your best to find a quiet moment that allows for you to be present with Jesus in silence and adoration, maybe in a place suitable for quiet prayer or even in your car.

As you practice social distancing and follow other safety protocols, it may feel strange and awkward not being able to hug others or shake hands, but with a little effort on our part, we can express our love in Christ in other ways – through a smile and friendly greeting or perhaps a prayer in the silence of our heart. There is so much that is not normal for us these days! But, in good times and in bad, keep in mind Jesus’ command: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

We can do this, my brothers and sisters. During this pandemic, we can be faithful witnesses to the love of God. As St. Paul wrote, “Love is patient, love is kind… it is not quick tempered. …It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”

Speaking of love, this Sunday is Mother’s Day! Normally, families would be filling our churches, celebrating the gift of motherhood, and thanking our Moms for their goodness and love. Although not possible this year, allow me to say a special word to all our mothers: Thank you for saying yes to life, for saying yes to love. Thank you for all you do for your families.

During this pandemic, many of you have been working extra hard in your homes: some taking on extra teaching duties while maintaining many others. A number of you have been helping your adult children with emotional, spiritual and financial support. To all of you, including my own dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day!

Let us look, too, in a special way to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church.  Dear Mary, loving Mother, pray for us and our loved ones. Shelter us under the mantle of your protection. May we be spared from the worst of this pandemic.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Jesus, we trust in You.

May almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.