Video Transcript

My Brothers and Sister in Christ,

I come to you today as your shepherd and spiritual Father to share important information about the Diocese of Phoenix and our response to the Coronavirus. Most recently over the last few days two major developments have occurred:

First: Governor Ducey directed all schools in Arizona to close for the next two weeks — our Catholic schools will be closed at least through March 27.

Secondly: President Trump recommended that we avoid groups of 10 or more. In an effort to slow the spread of the virus and to protect the most vulnerable.

With this in mind, I have prayerfully made the difficult decision to suspend all public Masses within the Diocese of Phoenix, starting immediately and with an end date yet to be determined. My priority as your shepherd is the general welfare, health and spiritual well-being of every person in our Diocese, but in a special way those who are most vulnerable to this deadly virus. This means that all Catholics are released from their Sunday obligation in the Diocese of Phoenix.

We have a responsibility to do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. The Sacrifice of the Holy Mass will continue, but its public celebration will be suspended until it is deemed safe to hold large community gatherings.

For the time being, Churches and Chapels will remain open for private prayer according to their existing schedules; however, it is important that social distancing be practiced.

Many of you will have questions about weddings, confirmations, funerals and other services. We are working as quickly as possible to provide you answers. Be in close contact with your parish and school, or go to to get the most current information available.

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ: this is a message I never imagined I would have to deliver. Pleas know that I share in your distress and the uncertainty we face. But let us remember that our Hope is in the Lord; and we are certain He will triumph.  Just as Jesus fasted for forty days in the desert prior to his Passion and Resurrection, we too are being called into the desert to fast in a way that we never expected.  It is essential that we not lose hope in Christ. Let us use this opportunity to unite more closely with Him and with others around the world.

Above all, I ask you to bring Jesus into your home. Use this time to pray together, to encourage one another, and to draw closer as a family.

On Sundays, when you would normally find yourself preparing for Mass, please be one with other Catholics in the following ways:

  1. Watch Mass on TV and make a spiritual communion. If your parish offers the Mass online, watch together as a family. The Diocese of Phoenix also broadcasts the Catholic Mass each Sunday at 9 a.m. on AZTV Channel 7, as well as on YouTube and Facebook. We also broadcast the Mass in Spanish on ESNE 41.3 at 11:30 a.m. each Sunday.
  2. Pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
  3. Read the Bible and reflect together as a family
  4. Stay closely connected with your parish through their website, social media and other digital communications.
  5. Finally, please pray for all priests, deacons, religious, Bishop Nevares, and me as we seek to lead our Church in this unprecedented time in history.

Jesus promised us: “I am with you always, even until the end of time.”

So let us be not afraid. If Christ is with us, who can be against us?

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Pray for Us

Jesus, We Trust In You

May God bless you the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.