Video Transcript

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This past Sunday, many of you, perhaps for the first time, experienced Mass in your homes through television or live streaming on social media. For many of our priests, this was our first time to celebrate a weekend Mass in an empty Church that would normally be thriving with families. We missed each other, but we were united in Christ.

But let us recall that all times and all seasons belong to the Lord, including the present time of the Coronavirus crisis.  We might not understand it, but we can be sure that all things are unfolding under His providential hand. For reasons known to Him alone, our Father in heaven has chosen you and me, in these days, to be His witnesses, to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. It is no coincidence that you and I are here at this point in history. What we do with this time is up to us.

I have heard from many of you who are feeling the keen pain of not being able to attend Mass and receive Jesus in Holy Communion. That pain is very real; it is also a sign of your living faith. Please unite it with the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross. And let us not forget the concrete, spiritual benefits of “fasting” (voluntarily or otherwise) from the Eucharist.

In an article published before he became pope, then Cardinal Ratzinger wrote of the spiritual value of fasting from the Eucharist. He said:

“When Augustine felt his death approaching, he ‘excommunicated’ himself and, … in solidarity with public sinners who seek forgiveness and grace through the pain of not receiving Holy Communion. He wanted to meet his Lord in the humility of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”

The future Pope Benedict went on to say that he found this decision of St. Augustine to fast from the Eucharist to be “more profound and fitting”, the more often he pondered it. And he thought of how often today we take too lightly the privilege of receiving this most Holy Sacrament. Now, when nearly all the faithful are currently required to fast from the Eucharist because of the conditions of COVID-19, I encourage each of us to ask Jesus to place in our hearts a deeper longing for Him. May it enliven our own practice now of a spiritual communion with Jesus. Remember Jesus’ words, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.”

Dear husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters in Christ, please remember during this time of social distancing that Jesus is calling you, more than ever to be one Catholic family. Use this time to listen to one another, to comfort and encourage each other, to pray as a family and enjoy time together.

I encourage you to stay connected with your parish as much as possible.  Reach out to the people that you would normally see during weekend Mass. Call your Pastor and ask him how you can help. Just like you and your family, our parishes are suffering from this crisis.  Now more than ever, your parish and the Diocese of Phoenix need our help. I am deeply grateful to those who can continue supporting the Church with financial assistance – your Sunday gifts are critical for the continued operation of your parish at this unprecedented moment in time.

If your parish does not have a live streaming Mass, then I invite you to join me on Sundays to participate in the Mass on TV with your family. We broadcast the Catholic Mass each Sunday at 9 a.m. on AZTV Channel 7, as well as on YouTube and Facebook. We also broadcast the Mass in Spanish at 12:30 p.m. on ESNE 41.3, also on YouTube and Facebook. Join us, too, for Daily Mass, on our YouTube and Facebook pages.

Our website has spiritual resources that I know you will find helpful during this unimaginable time of penance to surrender anew to Christ.

Let us keep praying for each other, and especially our first responders, healthcare professionals and all those who are working tirelessly to serve us during this crisis.

Remember: Be Healthy – Be Smart – Be Holy.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Pray for Us

Jesus, We Trust in You

May God bless you the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.