Grateful for Fathers – Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (June 19, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day — taking time to thank God for the gift of our Dads, and to pray for them, living and deceased. With gratitude for my own father, who died only a few years ago, I shall be praising God [...]

Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Statement on DACA Decision by the U.S. Supreme Court

We are very much mindful that DACA children were often brought to this country at a very young age and through no responsibility of their own. They were raised in the United States, attend our schools, make positive contributions to our society, and do not know any other country but our own.

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (June 10, 2020)

  Video Transcript My brothers and sisters in Christ, To say that this has been an extraordinary time for our Catholic schools and the education of our children would be an understatement.  Never in modern history have we had to make such dramatic changes to how we educate children and young people.  These [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (June 5, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, For nearly 17 years, I have been blessed to serve the diverse and vibrant communities that make up the Diocese of Phoenix. We have 94 parishes and 23 missions serving more than a million Catholics throughout central and northwest Arizona. Maricopa County is one [...]

A Pastoral Statement from Bishop Olmsted to the Diocese of Phoenix

Racism is a sin — it is a direct affront to the dignity of the human person who is a unique, precious gift from God. We are all brothers and sisters equally created in the image of God. This fundamental truth is key to the Gospel message. As our Holy Father Pope Francis said today, “we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.”

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 29, 2020)

  Video Transcript My brothers and sisters in Christ, This coming Sunday we will celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost – the Birthday of the Church. With joyful hearts, we will praise the Father for pouring forth the Holy Spirit and uniting us with Jesus, His Beloved Son. What Jesus did and taught [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 20, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In a variety of ways, Jesus constantly fulfills His promise: “Behold, I am with you always.” In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, above all, He gives us the gift of His own Body and Blood, soul and divinity. In this wondrous mystery of [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 13, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Suspending the public celebration of the Holy Mass was a great sacrifice in the effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19. I am grateful to our pastors, their parish staff and volunteers who kept their churches open and worked hard to support the [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 8, 2020)

  Video Transcript My brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christ is risen from the dead! By death He trampled Death; and to those in the tombs He granted life. This prayer of Byzantine Catholics expresses well the reason for our hope. We are able to cope with this pandemic because of the victory [...]

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