News, statements and information from the Diocese of Phoenix.

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 29, 2020)

  Video Transcript My brothers and sisters in Christ, This coming Sunday we will celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost – the Birthday of the Church. With joyful hearts, we will praise the Father for pouring forth the Holy Spirit and uniting us with Jesus, His Beloved Son. What Jesus did and taught [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 20, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In a variety of ways, Jesus constantly fulfills His promise: “Behold, I am with you always.” In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, above all, He gives us the gift of His own Body and Blood, soul and divinity. In this wondrous mystery of [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 13, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Suspending the public celebration of the Holy Mass was a great sacrifice in the effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19. I am grateful to our pastors, their parish staff and volunteers who kept their churches open and worked hard to support the [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 8, 2020)

  Video Transcript My brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christ is risen from the dead! By death He trampled Death; and to those in the tombs He granted life. This prayer of Byzantine Catholics expresses well the reason for our hope. We are able to cope with this pandemic because of the victory [...]

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (May 2, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On the Road to Emmaus, following the Crucifixion and the discovery of the empty tomb, two of Jesus’ disciples encounter a traveler they don’t recognize. As they walk along, they share with him all that they had experienced in the previous days - all [...]

Diocese of Phoenix Statement on Reduction in Staff and Restructuring Due to Financial Hardships Caused by COVID-19

The Diocese of Phoenix has made the difficult decision to reduce overall spending in the current and upcoming fiscal year by reducing staff size and restructuring offices.

Weekly Message from Bishop Olmsted (April 22, 2020)

  Video Transcript My Brothers and Sisters: Christ is Risen! He is truly risen! As we approach the Third Sunday of Easter, I know how disconcerting, even disorienting, the past several weeks have been and how painful for us not to be together to celebrate the Eucharist. It feels like an eternity since [...]

Easter Message from Bishop Olmsted (April 12, 2020)

  Video Transcript Alleluia, Christ has risen! Indeed, He is Risen! My brothers and sisters in Christ: Today we rejoice in the victory of the Risen Lord. He has conquered sin and death; He has given us new life! On Easter morning, nearly 2,000 years ago, the first disciples of Jesus could be [...]

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